Crusade is a way to win souls to the Lord
Join us for a powerful and spirit-filled church crusade! Experience uplifting worship,
life-changing messages,
and divine encounters. Don't miss this opportunity
to grow in faith and receive God's blessings!
Campaign Time: 6:30 PM each day
February 6 - 9
Category: CRUSADE
Other days in this campaign
Campaign Time: 6:30 PM
Date: February 12-14
Location: 3508 Westminter, Parfaite Harmony, WBD
Campaign Time: 6:30 PM
Date: February 16-18
Campaign Time: 6:30 PM
Date: February 19-20
Campaign Time: 6:30 PM
Date: February 22-24
Location: #7 Old Road, Land of Canaan, EBD
Campaign Time: 6:30 PM
Date: February 25-27
Location: 46, Sera Lodge, StewardVille, WCD