ZIMO has one main vision and this is the vision the Lord gave His Church before His ascension, {i.e. to go into the entire world and preach the good news to every creature (Mark 16:15)}. ZIMO is envisioned with getting more souls saved and discipled before the second coming of the Lord. We believe that our business here as believers is nothing but soul winning, and that the believer has not really lived until he spends his life affecting others for God. We believe that we were saved to save others.
VISION 23/28
Our greatest dream is that the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord with Christ reigning forever. Due to the trend of happenings and the course of events in the 21st century, we are made to believe that the coming of our Lord is so near and that very soon we should expect His appearing. This and others have inspired ZIMO to intensify its efforts to win more souls for God. And we plan to reach about 100, 000 souls in the next five years beginning from this year 2023 to 2028. We believe according to the Word of God that this gospel of the Kingdom must get to all nations before the end.
ZIMO has already been active in the field of souls and have had many successful campaigns which have brought thousands of souls into the Kingdom of God. Over the years we have built a legacy of holding mass crusades in many villages and smaller towns in Ghana and are known for the great impact and change we bring to these places. We intend to take the gospel to where it is needed, that is, to the unreached, segregated and untouched areas of our world through mass evangelism, gospel gala, skilled training and others.
Mass evangelism has proven to be one of the most successful and effective way of propagating the gospel of the Kingdom of God. History reveals that more souls have been won to the Lord through mass evangelism than any other method, counting from Apostle Peter’s message to the Jews which brought over three thousand new converts into the Kingdom of God in a single day (Acts 2:14-41). It has been one of the most astounding methods of redeeming the time as the Word of God suggests. The time is short, and we believe that the same time used to minster to an individual can be used to serve thousands of people at the same time leading to great harvest of souls. ZIMO has over the years proven this in our crusades and outreaches which have witnessed several hundreds of people saved in a single night.
We love to see hell plundered to populate heaven. We love to see souls saved and brought out of darkness into the marvelous light of the Son of God. Over 150, 000 people die each day, and more than 2/3 of these die lost and unsaved without any knowledge of the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus saves, delivers and heals, and the world needs to know and experience this. It is our duty to let them know. Our commissioning is to go tell them, and not to sit and invite them. Do not sit thinking our world is already evangelized. There are still many unreached and untouched areas. This is why we like to go. This good news is worth sharing.
The population of our world today is now over 8 billion, and out of this:
- 2.3 billion are Christians(representing 32 percent of world’s population
- 1.9 billion are Muslims(representing 23 percent of world’s population)
- 1. 1 billion are Hindus(representing 15 percent of population)
- Over 506million are Buddhist(representing 7percent of population)

Zion, Extending the kingdom of God
ZIMO Slogan
Zion, Preach the word, Save the lost, Heal the sick